Snare/Degen Ranger, thoughts please
Well, the water barrage build looked nice... but he did have the point of people spreading out once they figured out what the build's about. I've been working on delving into more of the snare/focus fire realm, and I'd like thoughts from others on how this looks to you.
Water Mastery - 7
Beast Mastery - 3 (4)
Expertise - 12 (13)
Marksmanship - 9 (13)
Wilderness Survival - 6 (7)
Apply Poison
Crippling Shot {E}
Debilitating Shot
Determined Shot/Hunter's Shot
Tiger's Fury
Favorable Winds
Ice Spikes (still deciding on this, I think I'll probably switch for the shards)
Conjure Frost
Basically, I work on poison rotation with crippling at the ready for multiple people. Then I try to provide a bit of pressure to casters first through debilitating shot, and then crippling them for tiger's fury (and teammates) just in case they have an idea of running. This is one time I've been toying with Hunter's as the special shot just because of the possible degen and its fast refresh.
I've only been working it out for a couple of days and so I'd love to get some thoughts, along with ideas to possibly give this build more depth.